The Comprehensive Guide to DOT Physical Exam for Commercial Drivers


For professional truck drivers, maintaining health and meeting safety standards are paramount. Chiropractors (DCs) are among the certified medical examiners who can perform DOT physicals. A key component of ensuring that truck drivers are fit for the road is the DOT physical exam for commercial drivers. Mandated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the DOT physical is essential for obtaining and maintaining a commercial driver’s license (CDL). This comprehensive health examination mandated by federal regulations ensures that drivers can safely operate a commercial motor vehicle (CMV). At the Charlotte DOT Exam Center, we specialize in providing thorough and efficient DOT physicals to help you

Understanding the DOT Physical Exams For Commercial Drivers

The DOT physical is a health examination mandated by the Department of Transportation (DOT) to ensure that commercial vehicle drivers are physically qualified to operate CMVs safely. Certified medical examiners are responsible for performing DOT physicals according to DOT criteria, making this exam essential for obtaining and renewing a DOT medical card, which is a prerequisite

Key Components of the DOT Physical Exam For Commercial Drivers

  1. Medical History Review: The exam begins with a detailed review of your medical history, including any past or current health conditions, surgeries, medications, and lifestyle factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption. It’s important to be honest and thorough during this part of the exam.
  2. Vital Signs Check: Your blood pressure, pulse rate, and body mass index (BMI) are measured. High blood pressure and irregular heartbeats can be red flags that require further evaluation.
  3. Vision and Hearing Tests:
    • Vision Test: This ensures you meet the required vision standards, either naturally or with corrective lenses. Peripheral vision and the ability to distinguish colors are also tested.
    • Hearing Test: A hearing test checks if you can hear a forced whisper from five feet away, ensuring you can respond to sounds on the road. If you use hearing aids, bring them to the exam.
  4. Physical Examination: This comprehensive physical exam checks your overall health, including heart, lungs, abdomen, and musculoskeletal system. The medical examiner looks for any signs of muscle weakness, neurological issues, or other health concerns that could impair your driving ability.
  5. Urine Sample: A urinalysis is performed to check for underlying conditions such as diabetes and kidney disease. This test is also part of the DOT physical requirements to ensure you are not using controlled substances.
  6. Special Considerations:
    • Sleep Apnea: If you have symptoms or a history of sleep apnea, you may need to undergo a sleep apnea test and possibly use a CPAP machine to manage the condition.
    • Insulin-Treated Diabetes: Drivers with insulin-treated diabetes must meet specific criteria and provide additional documentation to ensure their condition is well-managed.

The Role of the Medical Examiner

Certified medical examiners play a crucial role in conducting DOT physical exams. They are trained to understand the specific health requirements for commercial drivers and ensure that each driver meets the necessary standards. At the Charlotte DOT Exam Center, our certified medical examiners are experienced in performing DOT physicals and providing the necessary documentation, such as the medical examiner’s certificate and the DOT medical card. The medical examiner’s certificate (MEC) is issued upon successful completion of the DOT physical exam and is crucial for maintaining a CDL.

Preparing for Your DOT Physical

To ensure a smooth and successful DOT physical, here are some preparation tips:

  • Bring Necessary Documents: Include your driver’s license, a list of current medications, and your medical history.
  • Stay Hydrated and Eat Healthily: Avoid excessive caffeine and salty foods before your exam to help keep your blood pressure in check.
  • Manage Medications: Take your medications as prescribed, and bring them with you. If you have any medical conditions, such as hypertension or diabetes, ensure they are well-managed and under control.
  • Get a Good Night’s Sleep: Being well-rested can help keep your blood pressure in check and ensure you are at your best for the exam.

Common Health Concerns

Several health conditions can impact your ability to pass the DOT physical. Here are some common concerns and how they are addressed:

  • High Blood Pressure: Regular monitoring and management of your blood pressure are essential. The DOT physical includes multiple readings to ensure an accurate measurement.
  • Vision and Hearing: Ensure your vision and hearing are up to standard. Corrective lenses and hearing aids should be in good condition and used as needed.
  • Sleep Apnea: Proper diagnosis and treatment with a CPAP machine can help manage this condition and keep you fit for driving.
  • Chronic Conditions: Conditions like diabetes and heart disease must be well-managed with regular check-ups and medication.


The DOT physical exam is a vital part of maintaining the safety and health of commercial drivers. At the Charlotte DOT Exam Center, we are committed to providing comprehensive and efficient DOT physicals to help you stay compliant and healthy. For an appointment, call 704-544-3494 and see one of our certified medical examiners. We are located at 8415 Pineville-Matthews Road, Charlotte NC 28226. Our examiners are available Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM and on Saturday from 9 AM to 12 noon. The cost is $70.00 and includes the required urinalysis and a laminated card for your wallet upon successful completion.

Stay tuned for the next section where we dive deeper into specific DOT physical requirements and answer common FAQs.

Detailed Breakdown of DOT Physical Requirements  DOT Physical Exam for Commercial Drivers

Understanding the specific requirements of a DOT physical exam can help you better prepare and ensure you meet all the necessary criteria. Here’s a detailed look at what to expect during your examination and the standards you need to meet.

Vision Requirements

Good vision is crucial for safe driving. During your DOT physical, your vision will be tested to ensure it meets the following standards:

  • Visual Acuity: You must have at least 20/40 vision in each eye, with or without corrective lenses.
  • Peripheral Vision: Your peripheral vision must be at least 70 degrees in the horizontal meridian in each eye.
  • Color Vision: You must be able to distinguish the colors of traffic signals and devices showing standard red, green, and amber.

Hearing Requirements

Hearing is another critical aspect of safe driving. The hearing test during your DOT physical involves:

  • Forced Whisper Test: You must be able to hear a forced whisper from at least five feet away, with or without a hearing aid.
  • Audiometry Test: Alternatively, your hearing loss must not exceed an average hearing loss of 40 dB or more at 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, and 2000 Hz in your better ear, with or without a hearing aid.

Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate

Your blood pressure and pulse rate are important indicators of your cardiovascular health. The standards include:

  • Blood Pressure: Ideally, your blood pressure should be below 140/90 mmHg. If it’s slightly higher, you might still pass but with a shorter certification period.
  • Pulse Rate: Your pulse rate is checked for any irregularities or signs of cardiovascular disease.

Cardiovascular Health

The DOT physical exam includes a thorough check of your cardiovascular health to ensure you do not have any conditions that could impair your driving. This includes checking for:

  • Heart Disease: Any history of heart disease, heart attack, or other cardiovascular conditions will be reviewed.
  • Irregular Heartbeats: Any irregularities in your heartbeats will be noted and may require further investigation.

Respiratory Health

Your respiratory health is assessed to ensure you do not have any conditions that could affect your breathing while driving:

  • Sleep Apnea: If you have a history of sleep apnea, you must provide proof that it is being managed, typically with a CPAP machine.
  • Respiratory Dysfunction: Any chronic respiratory conditions will be evaluated to ensure they do not impair your ability to drive.

Neurological Health

Your neurological health is another crucial aspect of the DOT physical. The exam includes:

  • Neurological Issues: Any history of seizures, epilepsy, or other neurological disorders will be reviewed.
  • Muscle Weakness: The medical examiner will check for any signs of muscle weakness or conditions that could impair your driving ability.

The Role of Certified Medical Examiners

Certified medical examiners are responsible for performing DOT physicals and ensuring that all commercial drivers meet the required health standards. These professionals are trained to understand the specific needs of commercial drivers and the regulations set by the FMCSA.

At the Charlotte DOT Exam Center, our certified medical examiners provide thorough and compassionate care to help you meet these standards. They are well-versed in the latest DOT physical requirements and committed to ensuring that each driver is physically qualified to operate a commercial vehicle safely.

Common Health Concerns Addressed

During your DOT physical, several common health concerns are addressed to ensure you meet the necessary standards:

  • High Blood Pressure: Regular monitoring and proper management are essential. We provide multiple readings to ensure accurate measurement.
  • Diabetes: Drivers with insulin-treated diabetes must provide documentation to show that their condition is well-managed.
  • Vision and Hearing Issues: Ensure your corrective lenses or hearing aids are in good condition and used as needed.

DOT Medical Card and Certification

Once you pass your DOT physical, you will receive a DOT medical card, also known as a medical examiner’s certificate (MEC). This certificate is essential for maintaining your CDL and must be renewed periodically. If you have any medical conditions that require monitoring, you may receive a certificate with a shorter validity period.


The DOT physical exam is an essential part of ensuring the safety and health of commercial drivers. At the Charlotte DOT Exam Center, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive and efficient DOT physicals to help you stay compliant and healthy on the road. For an appointment, call 704-544-3494 and see one of our certified medical examiners. We are located at 8415 Pineville-Matthews Road, Charlotte NC 28226. Our examiners are available Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM and on Saturday from 9 AM to 12 noon. The cost is $70.00 and includes the required urinalysis and a laminated card for your wallet upon successful completion.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a North Carolina DOT physical consist of?
A North Carolina DOT physical includes a review of your medical history, vision and hearing tests, blood pressure and pulse rate checks, and a comprehensive physical examination. A urine sample is also taken to check for underlying health conditions.

How much is a DOT physical in NC?
The cost of a DOT physical in North Carolina typically ranges from $60 to $100. At the Charlotte DOT Exam Center, the cost is $70.00, including the required urinalysis and a laminated DOT medical card.

What does a DOT physical consist of in California?
A DOT physical in California includes similar components to those in other states: a medical history review, vision and hearing tests, blood pressure and pulse rate checks, a physical examination, and a urine sample.

Can I keep my CDL without a medical card in North Carolina?
No, you cannot keep your CDL without a valid DOT medical card in North Carolina. The DOT medical card is a mandatory requirement for maintaining your CDL.

What is required for a DOT physical in North Carolina?
For a DOT physical in North Carolina, you need to provide your driver’s license, a list of current medications, and your medical history. The physical includes vision and hearing tests, blood pressure and pulse rate checks, a physical examination, and a urine sample.

How much does an NC DOT physical cost?
The cost of an NC DOT physical typically ranges from $60 to $100. At the Charlotte DOT Exam Center, the cost is $70.00.

What happens if you let your DOT medical card expire in NC?
If your DOT medical card expires in North Carolina, you may be disqualified from driving a commercial vehicle until you renew your certification. It’s essential to keep your DOT medical card up to date to avoid any interruptions in your driving career.

Where do I send my DOT medical card in NC?
In North Carolina, you need to submit your DOT medical card to the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles (NCDMV). You can submit it online, by mail, or in person at a DMV office.

Where can you find the medical standards for CMV operation?
The medical standards for CMV operation are available on the FMCSA website. These standards outline the health requirements that commercial drivers must meet to be physically qualified to drive.

What does a physical consist of?
A physical exam typically includes a review of your medical history, a check of vital signs (such as blood pressure and pulse rate), a vision and hearing test, a physical examination of various body systems, and often a urine sample.

Will I lose my CDL if my medical card expires in NC?
Yes, if your DOT medical card expires in North Carolina, you may lose your CDL until you renew your certification. It’s important to keep your medical card current to maintain your CDL.

What does a DOT urinalysis test for?
A DOT urinalysis tests for underlying health conditions such as diabetes and kidney disease. It is also used to check for controlled substances.

What does a DOT physical consist of in Ohio?
A DOT physical in Ohio includes a medical history review, vision and hearing tests, blood pressure and pulse rate checks, a physical examination, and a urine sample.

What does a DOT physical consist of in Texas?
A DOT physical in Texas includes a medical history review, vision and hearing tests, blood pressure and pulse rate checks, a physical examination, and a urine sample.

Who needs a DOT medical card in PA?
In Pennsylvania, all commercial drivers operating a CMV are required to have a valid DOT medical card.

Who needs a DOT medical card in NJ?
In New Jersey, all commercial drivers operating a CMV are required to have a valid DOT medical card.

Can I keep my CDL without a medical card in PA?
No, you cannot keep your CDL without a valid DOT medical card in Pennsylvania. The DOT medical card is a mandatory requirement for maintaining your CDL.

How to pass a DOT blood pressure test?
To pass a DOT blood pressure test, ensure you maintain a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress management. Avoid excessive caffeine and salt before the exam and take prescribed medications as directed.

How much is a DOT physical in CT?
The cost of a DOT physical in Connecticut typically ranges from $60 to $100, depending on the provider.

What does a DOT physical consist of in Illinois?
A DOT physical in Illinois includes a medical history review, vision and hearing tests, blood pressure and pulse rate checks, a physical examination, and a urine sample.

Mastering Non-CDL Drivers Regulations: A Comprehensive Guide

In the intricate world of commercial driving, grasping the Department of Transportation (DOT) standards for drivers without a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) is essential for anyone stepping into this arena. Whether you’re on the brink of starting your journey as a truck driver, managing a fleet, or owning and operating your own commercial driving business, a deep understanding review the security of these regulations is key to navigating the sector successfully, ensuring compliance, and upholding the highest safety measures.

The Foundation of Non-CDL Commercial Driving

Understanding the difference between CDL and non-CDL driving requirements is the first step for those entering the commercial driving field. While the stringent criteria for CDL holders are widely recognized, the regulations for operating commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) without a CDL have their own set of rules under the DOT. These regulations aim to uphold road safety and ensure the integrity of commercial operations, even when the vehicle doesn’t meet the size or cargo specifications that typically require a CDL.

Drivers of non-CDL vehicles often handle lighter, less complex vehicles but are integral to the logistics and transportation industry. These vehicles include a range of trucks, vans, and others designated for specific types of cargo, including limited quantities of hazardous materials. For operators in this category, it’s crucial to stay informed about DOT standards to ensure lawful operation and maintain the highest safety protocols.

Essential DOT Standards for Non-CDL Operators

  1. Health Certification: A pivotal requirement for non-CDL operators is securing and maintaining a valid health certification. This certification, obtained through a detailed medical examination, validates that the driver is medically fit to operate a commercial vehicle. The examination, conducted by a certified examiner, evaluates the driver’s overall health, including vision, hearing, and physical ability, to ensure they can safely manage a commercial vehicle.
  2. Understanding Vehicle Classification: It’s critical for non-CDL operators to know the classification of the vehicle they plan to drive. The DOT categorizes commercial vehicles based on various factors, including the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) and the type of cargo being transported. Recognizing these classifications helps ensure compliance with the relevant regulations without the necessity of a CDL.
  3. Adherence to Operational Hours: Certain commercial vehicle operators are required to follow DOT hours of service regulations, limiting the number of operational hours to prevent fatigue. Keeping accurate logs, whether electronically or on paper, is vital for non-CDL operators, especially those near the CDL threshold.
  4. Training and Road Testing: Prior to handling a commercial vehicle, non-CDL operators might need to pass a specific road test and undergo training relevant to the vehicle type and cargo. This ensures the operator possesses the necessary skills and knowledge for safe and efficient driving.
  5. Handling Hazardous Materials: The transportation of hazardous materials without a CDL is permitted under specific conditions and requires strict adherence to DOT regulations. Operators must undergo specialized training in hazardous material transport and carry the necessary documentation and emergency equipment.

non-cdl drivers examFor non-CDL operators, understanding and complying with DOT regulations is not merely about legal adherence; it’s about ensuring the safety and security of the driver, the vehicle, and the public. Staying informed and compliant with these requirements is an ongoing responsibility that demands diligence and commitment.

For those seeking to ensure their compliance with DOT regulations, especially regarding health certifications, Charlotte DOT Exam Center offers comprehensive examinations by certified medical examiners. Located at 8415 Pineville-Matthews Road, Charlotte, NC, our center is prepared to assist you with the necessary certification to meet DOT standards. Contact us at
704-544-3494 to schedule your appointment. Our team is available Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM and on Saturday from 9 AM to 12 noon, ensuring you can obtain your medical certification conveniently and efficiently.

Elevating Compliance: Delving Deeper into Non-CDL Regulations

For those navigating the realm of non-CDL commercial driving, a thorough understanding of DOT mandates is indispensable. These regulations, tailored for vehicles and drivers not requiring a CDL, are fundamental in promoting road safety and compliance within the commercial transport sector.

Advanced Understanding of Vehicle and Driver Standards

The DOT’s comprehensive regulations cover a spectrum from vehicle specifications to driver qualifications, all aimed at ensuring those at the helm of commercial vehicles are equipped with the requisite knowledge, skills, and health standards.

  1. Vehicle Specifications Insight: Non-CDL drivers must possess an in-depth understanding of their vehicle’s specifications. This includes knowledge of the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) and gross combination weight rating (GCWR), which determine a vehicle’s commercial classification and the specific regulatory standards it must meet. Even vehicles below the CDL threshold are subject to DOT regulations, especially if they’re used for transporting hazardous materials or engage in interstate commerce.
  2. Prioritizing Driver Health and Safety: The cornerstone of commercial driving safety is the health and well-being of the driver, underscored by the necessity of a health certification. This certification, derived from a comprehensive medical examination, affirms a driver’s physical fitness for commercial vehicle operation. The exam covers various health aspects, from auditory and visual acuity to cardiovascular health, ensuring drivers are capable of safely managing the demands of commercial driving.
  3. Operational Compliance Mastery: Beyond vehicle and driver health standards, operational compliance is crucial. This includes adherence to hours of service regulations, designed to mitigate driver fatigue by capping the driving hours within a given timeframe. Moreover, drivers must be conversant with the required documentation and emergency equipment, particularly when transporting hazardous materials, to ensure preparedness for any contingencies.
  4. Training and Certification Requirements: While the path to non-CDL driving is less rigorous than that of obtaining a CDL, it nonetheless requires specific training and certification. This ensures drivers are not only proficient in vehicle operation but also well-versed in the regulatory landscape governing their activities. For hazardous material transport, additional specialized training is mandated to comply with federal and state regulations.

Pathway to Compliance and Safety Excellence

For entities and individuals in the non-CDL commercial driving sphere, mastering DOT requirements is a journey of commitment, knowledge acquisition, and proactive safety engagement. By embracing continuous education, adhering to stringent safety protocols, and staying abreast of regulatory updates, drivers can navigate the complexities of commercial driving with confidence and compliance.

Charlotte DOT Exam Center stands ready to support non-CDL drivers in their compliance endeavors, offering thorough medical evaluations by certified examiners to meet DOT standards. Located in Charlotte, NC, our center provides convenient scheduling options, including weekend hours, to facilitate the certification process.

For assistance with DOT compliance or to book an appointment for a health certification, reach out to us at
704-544-3494. Our dedicated team is here to guide you through the compliance process, ensuring you’re equipped to meet the demands of the road safely and legally. Together, we can contribute to a safer, more compliant commercial driving environment.

Advancing Safety and Compliance in Non-CDL Commercial Driving

The journey towards excellence in non-CDL commercial driving is marked by a steadfast commitment to safety, compliance, and ongoing education. As the landscape of DOT regulations evolves, so too must the knowledge and practices of those operating within this sector. Embracing a culture of safety and preparedness is not just a regulatory requirement but a fundamental aspect of professional integrity and responsibility.

Cultivating a Safety-First Approach

At the core of commercial driving, regardless of the vehicle’s size or the driver’s licensing level, lies an unwavering commitment to safety. For non-CDL drivers, this commitment transcends basic regulatory compliance, embedding safety and human being into every aspect of their operations.

  1. Ongoing Educational Initiatives: The dynamic nature of DOT regulations necessitates a commitment to continuous learning and adaptation. Non-CDL drivers should engage in regular training sessions and updates on hazardous materials handling, emergency response protocols, and the latest in hours of service regulations. This not only ensures compliance but also enhances the overall safety and efficiency of operations.
  2. Proactive Vehicle Maintenance: The safety and reliability of commercial vehicles hinge on rigorous maintenance and inspection routines. Regular checks and adherence to a preventive maintenance schedule can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and mechanical failures, ensuring that both drivers and cargo are safeguarded throughout their journey.
  3. Equipping for Emergencies: Adequate preparation for unforeseen events involves equipping vehicles with necessary safety and emergency gear. From fire extinguishers and spill containment kits to first aid supplies and proper signage for hazardous materials, being prepared for any scenario is a critical component of a comprehensive safety strategy.

Navigating Compliance with Precision

Understanding and adhering to the nuanced regulations that govern non-CDL commercial driving is a complex but essential endeavor. Here are some strategies to ensure unwavering compliance and operational excellence:

  1. Regular Regulatory Reviews: Staying informed about the latest DOT regulations and how they impact non-CDL operations is crucial. This includes keeping abreast of changes in vehicle classifications, driver qualification standards, and specific requirements for hazardous materials transportation.
  2. Meticulous Record-Keeping: Effective compliance is underpinned by diligent documentation. This encompasses maintaining up-to-date logbooks, health certifications, vehicle maintenance records, and training certifications. Accurate record-keeping not only facilitates compliance but also provides a robust defense in the event of audits or inspections.
  3. Utilizing Compliance Resources: Leveraging available resources, including DOT websites, industry associations, and compliance consultants, can provide valuable insights and guidance. Additionally, partnering with healthcare providers like Charlotte DOT Exam Center for medical examinations and certifications can streamline the compliance process, ensuring drivers meet the requisite health standards for safe vehicle operation.


For non-CDL drivers and the companies they represent, achieving mastery in DOT compliance is a journey that demands dedication, knowledge, and a proactive approach to safety. By prioritizing continuous education, maintaining strict safety and performance standards, and staying informed on regulatory changes, drivers can confidently navigate the complexities of commercial driving.

Charlotte DOT Exam Center is committed to supporting non-CDL drivers in their quest for safety and compliance. Our certified medical examiners are here to provide comprehensive medical evaluations required for DOT compliance, ensuring drivers are physically fit for the road. To schedule your appointment and take a step forward in your compliance journey, contact us at
704-544-3494. Together, we can drive towards a safer, more compliant future in commercial transportation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Non-CDL Commercial Drivers

What does a DOT file need to include for compliance? A DOT file must encompass the driver’s employment application, a copy of their current driver’s license, documentation of a passed road test, the medical examiner’s certificate, and any records of motor vehicle law violations. This comprehensive file ensures that drivers adhere to all regulatory and safety standards.

Can you name three essential items found in a DOT file? Three critical components of a DOT file are:

  1. The medical examiner’s certificate, which verifies the driver’s physical fitness for operating a commercial vehicle.
  2. The documentation of a successfully completed road test, demonstrating the driver’s operational proficiency.
  3. A record of any traffic violations, providing insight into the driver’s adherence to road safety laws.

Who is exempt from the 49 CFR 391 regulations? Exemptions from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations under 49 CFR 391 include drivers operating vehicles for government entities, those driving emergency response vehicles, and individuals transporting agricultural commodities or supplies within a specified distance from their origin.

What is required in a Driver Qualification (DQ) file? A DQ file should contain the driver’s job application, a copy of their commercial driver’s license (CDL), the medical examiner’s certificate, evidence of a completed road test or its equivalent, and an annual review of the driver’s record alongside a certification of violations.

Do local truck drivers need a medical card? Yes, local truck drivers who operate commercial vehicles across state lines are required to possess a medical card. This card certifies that they have met the physical requirements necessary for safe driving, as per DOT regulations.

What are the general rules for truck drivers in the US? Truck drivers in the US must comply with several regulations, including obtaining a CDL for operating heavy or hazardous material-carrying vehicles, adhering to hours of service rules to prevent fatigue, maintaining a current medical examiner’s certificate, and following specific guidelines when transporting hazardous materials.

Are non-CDL drivers in Florida required to have a medical card? Yes, non-CDL drivers in Florida who operate commercial vehicles in interstate commerce need to have a medical card. This ensures they meet the health standards required for safely operating a commercial vehicle.

What is the maximum weight you can haul without a CDL? Typically, you can operate a vehicle with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of up to 26,000 pounds without needing a CDL. For towing, a combined GVWR (vehicle plus trailer) of less than 26,001 pounds usually does not require a CDL, though regulations may vary by state.

What necessitates a CDL in North Carolina? In North Carolina, operating a vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001 pounds or more, a vehicle designed to transport 16 or more passengers (including the driver), or any vehicle required to be placarded for hazardous materials necessitates a CDL.

Is a CDL required to drive a semi for personal use in Florida? No, a CDL is not required to drive a semi for personal use in Florida, provided the vehicle is not used for commercial purposes and falls below the weight thresholds that typically require a CDL.