Understanding the New Law on DOT Physical Sleep Apnea

The landscape of the DOT physical examination has undergone significant changes in recent years, particularly regarding sleep apnea, a potentially life-threatening condition that affects countless commercial truck drivers. Mild sleep apnea, in particular, has significant implications for commercial truck drivers, especially concerning the requirements for using CPAP machines to maintain their commercial driving licenses (CDL). The new law on DOT physical sleep apnea has made it imperative for drivers to understand how sleep apnea, especially undiagnosed sleep apnea, can impact their ability to pass the DOT physical exam. In this blog, we’ll delve into the implications of these new regulations, the role of medical examiners, and the steps you can take to ensure you remain medically qualified to drive.

What is Sleep Apnea and Why Does it Matter?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by repeated interruptions in breathing during sleep. These interruptions, known as apneas, can lead to excessive daytime sleepiness, high blood pressure, and even coronary artery disease if left untreated. Severe sleep apnea, a more critical form of the disorder, can significantly impact commercial drivers by potentially disqualifying them from obtaining their commercial driver’s license (CDL) unless they comply with treatment requirements. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common form of sleep apnea, where the airway becomes blocked during sleep, causing the individual to wake up multiple times during the night. For commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers, untreated sleep apnea can be particularly dangerous, as it can lead to major sleepiness and impair the ability to safely operate a vehicle.

The DOT physical exam now includes a more stringent assessment of sleep apnea risk factors. This is where neck size plays a crucial role. A neck circumference greater than 17 inches in males or 15.5 inches in females is often considered a significant risk factor for sleep apnea. Medical examiners, during the DOT physical, are now more vigilant in assessing these risk factors, and if a driver has a neck size above these thresholds, they may be required to undergo a sleep apnea test.

The Role of Medical Examiners in DOT Physicals

Medical examiners are tasked with ensuring that commercial drivers are medically qualified to operate their vehicles safely. With the new regulations, medical examiners must pay close attention to any risk factors that may indicate obstructive sleep apnea. During the DOT physical, if a driver presents with certain risk factors, such as a large neck circumference or a history of excessive daytime sleepiness, the medical examiner may require a sleep study to rule out or diagnose sleep apnea. A sleep apnea test is required if the driver has a high BMI or specific neck measurements that meet the criteria for further evaluation.

Sleep Studies and DOT Compliance

A sleep study, often required for drivers with certain risk factors, is a comprehensive test used to diagnose sleep disorders, including sleep apnea. In Charlotte, NC, drivers can access sleep studies to fulfill this requirement. If diagnosed with sleep apnea, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy is the preferred treatment. Sleep apnea is treated using various types of Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) machines, such as CPAP and AutoPAP, which improve the quality of sleep and overall quality of life for users. Drivers must demonstrate CPAP 30-day compliance to meet DOT regulations. This means they must use their CPAP machine regularly and provide a CPAP report to their medical examiner.

The DOT sleep apnea test is a crucial step in ensuring that drivers are not suffering from untreated sleep apnea, which could disqualify them from driving. If a driver is diagnosed with sleep apnea but fails to comply with treatment, they may lose their commercial driver’s license (CDL). Therefore, it’s vital to follow through with any required treatment to pass the DOT physical.

Understanding the New Law and Its Impact

The new law on DOT physical sleep apnea is designed to enhance road safety by ensuring that all commercial drivers are free from untreated sleep apnea. This regulation underscores the importance of regular sleep apnea testing and compliance with treatment protocols, such as using a CPAP machine. As part of the DOT physical, medical examiners assess a driver’s risk for sleep apnea and may require a sleep study to ensure they are fit to drive. For drivers who suffer from sleep apnea, adhering to CPAP compliance requirements is crucial to maintaining their CDL and staying on the road.

In summary, the new regulations emphasize the importance of identifying and treating sleep apnea in commercial drivers. By following the guidelines and seeking proper treatment, drivers can continue to pass their DOT physicals and safely operate their vehicles.

Needing a cost-effective and time-efficient DOT medical exam by FMCSA certified medical examiners? Call the Charlotte DOT Exam Center at 704-544-3494 for an appointment. Walk-ins are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Navigating the DOT Physical with a Sleep Apnea Diagnosis

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The discovery of sleep apnea can be daunting for many commercial drivers, especially given the rigorous DOT physical requirements. Many drivers worry about whether they can pass with sleep apnea, but compliance with treatment is crucial. However, being diagnosed with sleep apnea doesn’t necessarily mean the end of your driving career. Understanding how to navigate the DOT physical with a sleep apnea diagnosis is key to ensuring you remain medically qualified to drive.

DOT Compliance for Sleep Apnea

If you’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea, the most important aspect of remaining compliant with DOT regulations is adhering to your treatment plan. For most drivers, this means using a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. DOT CPAP compliance requirements are stringent, and drivers must demonstrate that they are using their CPAP machine as prescribed—typically for at least 4 hours per night on 70% of nights over a 30-day period. This is often referred to as CPAP 30-day compliance.

Medical examiners will request a CPAP report during your DOT physical exam to verify your compliance. Failing to meet these compliance requirements could lead to your medical card expiring and the potential loss of your CDL. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain regular use of your CPAP machine and keep detailed records of your usage.

Passing the DOT Physical with Sleep Apnea

While a sleep apnea diagnosis can complicate your ability to pass the DOT physical, it’s not impossible. Drivers with sleep apnea often face challenges in passing their DOT physicals, making treatment compliance crucial. The key is demonstrating that your condition is being successfully treated. If you can provide evidence of CPAP compliance and show that your sleep apnea is under control, you can still pass the DOT physical exam.

The medical examiner’s primary concern is whether your sleep apnea, whether mild, moderate, or severe, is being managed effectively. If the sleep apnea is successfully treated, and there’s no indication of excessive daytime sleepiness or other related issues, you can still be considered medically qualified to drive.

Sleep Studies and DOT Physical Requirements

If your DOT physical assessment suggests that you may have undiagnosed sleep apnea—due to risk factors like neck size, high blood pressure, or a history of excessive daytime sleepiness—you may be required to undergo a sleep study before you can be cleared to drive. This sleep study will determine whether you have obstructive sleep apnea and the severity of your condition.

In Charlotte, NC, several clinics offer sleep studies specifically tailored for DOT physical requirements. These studies typically involve an overnight stay at a sleep center where your breathing, oxygen levels, and sleep patterns are monitored. The results of the sleep study will guide the medical examiner in deciding whether you can safely operate a commercial vehicle.

Dealing with a Disqualifying Sleep Apnea Diagnosis

For some drivers, a diagnosis of severe obstructive sleep apnea that is left untreated can be disqualifying. If you refuse treatment or fail to comply with prescribed CPAP therapy, you could be deemed medically unqualified to drive. This underscores the importance of taking your diagnosis seriously and adhering to your treatment plan.

However, it’s also important to note that even with a disqualifying diagnosis, you may have options. If you undergo successful treatment and can demonstrate compliance, you may be able to regain your medical qualification after a follow-up evaluation. The key is to work closely with your medical examiner and ensure that you’re doing everything possible to manage your condition.

The Impact of Sleep Apnea on Commercial Drivers

Sleep apnea not only affects your ability to pass the DOT physical, but it also has broader implications for your overall health and safety on the road. Untreated sleep apnea can lead to severe health issues such as high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, and even stroke. These conditions can further complicate your ability to maintain your CDL and safely operate a commercial motor vehicle.

For commercial truck drivers, maintaining good health is not just about passing the DOT physical—it’s about ensuring that you can perform your job safely and effectively. Addressing sleep apnea, whether through CPAP therapy or other treatments, is a critical component of this.

For a cost-effective and time-efficient DOT medical exam by FMCSA certified medical examiners? Call the Charlotte DOT Exam Center at 704-544-3494 for an appointment. Walk-ins are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Preparing for Your DOT Physical Exam with Sleep Apnea

For drivers diagnosed with sleep apnea, the DOT physical exam can seem intimidating. However, with proper preparation and adherence to DOT requirements, you can approach your exam with confidence. This section will guide you through the key steps to take before your DOT physical, what to expect during the exam, and how to ensure you remain compliant with DOT regulations.

Key Steps to Take Before Your DOT Physical

  1. Adhere to Your CPAP Therapy: If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea and prescribed CPAP therapy, it is crucial to stick to your treatment plan diligently. Ensure that you use your CPAP machine every night as prescribed. This will not only help manage your condition but also provide the necessary compliance data that your medical examiner will review.
  2. Obtain a CPAP Compliance Report: Before your DOT physical, request a CPAP compliance report from your sleep specialist or CPAP provider. This report will detail your usage patterns, which are critical for passing the DOT physical. Remember, the DOT CPAP compliance requirements typically mandate that you use your CPAP machine for at least 4 hours per night on 70% of nights over a 30-day period.
  3. Undergo a Sleep Study if Required: If your medical history, neck size, or other risk factors suggest that you might have sleep apnea, you may need to undergo a sleep study before your DOT physical. This study will confirm whether you have obstructive sleep apnea and the severity of your condition. If diagnosed, starting treatment immediately is key to ensuring you can pass your DOT physical.
  4. Manage Other Health Conditions: Sleep apnea often coexists with other health conditions such as high blood pressure or coronary artery disease. Managing these conditions effectively is important not only for your overall health but also for passing the DOT physical. Make sure to follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations closely.

What to Expect During the DOT Physical

During the DOT physical, your medical examiner will conduct a thorough evaluation to determine whether you are medically qualified to drive. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Review of Medical History: The medical examiner will review your medical history, including any history of sleep apnea or other related conditions. Be prepared to discuss your diagnosis and treatment, including any sleep studies or CPAP therapy.
  2. Physical Examination: The physical examination will include an assessment of your neck circumference, as this is a key indicator of sleep apnea risk. For males, a neck size greater than 17 inches, and for females, greater than 15.5 inches, may prompt further investigation.
  3. Review of CPAP Compliance Report: If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, the medical examiner will review your CPAP compliance report. This report is critical for determining whether your sleep apnea is being effectively managed and whether you are medically qualified to drive.
  4. Decision on Medical Qualification: Based on the findings from your medical history, physical examination, and CPAP compliance report, the medical examiner will determine whether you are medically qualified to drive. If your sleep apnea is successfully treated and you meet all DOT requirements, you will be issued a medical card.

Maintaining Compliance After Your DOT Physical

Passing the DOT physical is only the first step. To continue driving, you must maintain compliance with DOT regulations, including ongoing management of your sleep apnea. Here’s how to stay on track:

  1. Continue Using Your CPAP Machine: Consistent use of your CPAP machine is crucial for managing sleep apnea and remaining compliant with DOT regulations. Make it a habit to use your machine every night, and keep track of your usage to ensure you meet the required standards.
  2. Regular Follow-Ups with Your Sleep Specialist: Schedule regular follow-up appointments with your sleep specialist to monitor your condition and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. These check-ups are important for ensuring that your sleep apnea remains under control.
  3. Stay Informed About DOT regulations: DOT regulations regarding sleep apnea can change, so it’s important to stay informed about any updates that may affect your medical qualification. Your medical examiner or sleep specialist can provide guidance on how to remain compliant with any new requirements.
  4. Plan for Your Yearly DOT Physical: If you are required to undergo a yearly DOT physical due to your sleep apnea diagnosis, start preparing well in advance. Ensure that you have up-to-date compliance reports and that your condition is being managed effectively.

Get your cost-effective and time-efficient DOT medical exam by FMCSA certified medical examiners? Call the Charlotte DOT Exam Center at 704-544-3494 for an appointment. Walk-ins are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.

FAQs About Sleep Apnea and the DOT Physical

Can you have sleep apnea and pass a DOT physical?

Yes, you can have sleep apnea and pass a DOT physical as long as your condition is being effectively treated, typically with CPAP therapy, and you meet the DOT compliance requirements.

What is DOT compliance for sleep apnea?

DOT compliance for sleep apnea usually requires that you use your CPAP machine for at least 4 hours per night on 70% of nights over a 30-day period. Compliance must be documented and presented during the DOT physical.

What BMI is needed for DOT sleep apnea?

There is no specific BMI requirement for DOT sleep apnea, but a high BMI is a risk factor that may prompt further testing, such as a sleep study, to rule out or diagnose sleep apnea.

What are the FMCSA guidelines for sleep apnea?

FMCSA guidelines for sleep apnea focus on ensuring that drivers with diagnosed sleep apnea are receiving appropriate treatment and adhering to CPAP compliance requirements to maintain their medical qualification to drive.

Why did they measure my neck for DOT physical?

Neck circumference is a common indicator of sleep apnea risk. Males with a neck circumference greater than 17 inches and females greater than 15.5 inches may be at higher risk for sleep apnea and may require further testing.

What neck size indicates sleep apnea?

A neck size greater than 17 inches in males and 15.5 inches in females is commonly associated with a higher risk of sleep apnea.

What does neck size mean?

Neck size, or circumference, is an indicator of airway size. A larger neck size can suggest a narrower airway, which may contribute to obstructive sleep apnea.

What does neck circumference mean?

Neck circumference is the measurement around the neck. It is used as a potential indicator of sleep apnea risk during the DOT physical.

Does a DOT test for sleep apnea?

The DOT physical itself does not test for sleep apnea, but the medical examiner may require a sleep study if you present certain risk factors or symptoms associated with sleep apnea.

Can I lose my CDL if I have sleep apnea?

You can lose your CDL if you have sleep apnea and do not comply with the required treatment, such as CPAP therapy. Compliance is key to maintaining your medical qualification to drive.

What is the CPAP compliance for DOT?

CPAP compliance for DOT typically involves using the CPAP machine for at least 4 hours per night on 70% of nights over a 30-day period, with documentation required during the DOT physical.

What BMI is needed for a DOT sleep study?

There is no specific BMI that necessitates a DOT sleep study, but a higher BMI may increase the likelihood of being required to undergo sleep apnea testing if other risk factors are present.

Can you pass a DOT with sleep apnea?

Yes, you can pass a DOT physical with sleep apnea as long as your condition is being effectively managed and you meet the compliance requirements.

What size neck is a DOT physical for sleep apnea?

A neck size greater than 17 inches in males and 15.5 inches in females may indicate a higher risk for sleep apnea during a DOT physical.

What is the minimum CPAP usage for DOT physical?

The minimum CPAP usage for a DOT physical is typically 4 hours per night on 70% of nights over a 30-day period.

Can truck drivers use a CPAP machine?

Yes, truck drivers can and often do use CPAP machines to manage sleep apnea. Regular use is essential for maintaining their medical qualification to drive.

What is CPAP 30-day compliance?

CPAP 30-day compliance refers to the requirement that drivers use their CPAP machine for at least 4 hours per night on 70% of nights over a 30-day period to meet DOT requirements.

What is the compliance period for CPAP machine?

The compliance period for a CPAP machine is typically reviewed over a 30-day span, during which time the driver must meet usage requirements to remain compliant.

What are the DOT guidelines for sleep apnea?

DOT guidelines for …

The Importance of DOT Physicals for UPS Drivers

TL;DR About DOT Physicals for UPS Drivers

  • DOT Physical Requirement: Essential for all UPS and FedEx drivers to guarantee road safety.
  • Health Evaluation: Covers vision, hearing, blood pressure, and general physical well-being.
  • Medical Examiner’s Certificate: Required for the legal operation of commercial vehicles.
  • Gross Vehicle Weight Rating: Influences the specific physical examination needed.
  • Local Solution: Charlotte DOT Exam Center in Charlotte offers DOT physical exams, accepting walk-ins.

Understanding DOT Physicals for UPS Drivers

Why UPS Drivers Need a DOT Physical

UPS drivers are responsible for operating vehicles with varying gross vehicle weight ratings (GVWR). These vehicles, ranging from standard delivery vans to large trucks exceeding 10,000 pounds, necessitate peak physical condition from drivers. The DOT physical ensures that drivers are fit to manage these physical demands safely.

What the DOT Physical Entails

A DOT physical is a comprehensive health assessment that includes:

  • Medical History Review: Evaluating the driver’s past and current health conditions.
  • Vision Test: Ensuring compliance with minimum vision standards.
  • Hearing Test: Assessing the ability to hear a forced whisper at a specified distance.
  • Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate Check: Monitoring cardiovascular health.
  • Urinalysis: Screening for underlying health issues like diabetes.
  • Physical Examination: A thorough check of the driver’s physical health, including neurological functions.

The Medical Examiner’s Certificate

After passing the DOT physical, drivers receive a Medical Examiner’s Certificate (MEC), which is also known as a DOT medical card. This certificate, can valid for up to 24 months, is a critical document that UPS drivers needs carry to legally operate a commercial motor vehicle (CMV).

Importance of Compliance

Compliance with DOT regulations is a must and is and there are no exceptions for UPS drivers. These regulations require commercial drivers to meet specific medical certification standards, with intrastate drivers adhering to their state’s regulations, often aligned with federal standards. Failure to obtain a DOT physical can result in disqualification from driving, emphasizing the importance of staying updated and compliant.

Components of the DOT Physical

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The DOT physical is crucial for maintaining road safety, ensuring that commercial drivers are physically capable of handling the demands of their job. For UPS and FedEx drivers, passing this exam is mandatory to continue operating their vehicles.

Vision Test

  • Clarity: Ensures the driver can see clearly at a distance.
  • Peripheral Vision and Color Perception: Evaluates the driver’s field of vision and ability to distinguish colors.

Hearing Test

  • Whisper Test: Determines if the driver can hear a forced whisper from a specified distance.

Blood Pressure and Pulse

  • Cardiovascular Health: Monitors for high blood pressure and overall heart health.


  • Health Indicators: Checks for signs of underlying health issues like diabetes.

Comprehensive Physical Examination

  • General Health: Includes checks of the heart, lungs, abdomen, throat, and neurological functions.

Who Performs the DOT Physical?

Only a FMCSA certified medical examiner listed on the National Registry can perform the DOT physical. These professionals are specifically trained to understand the health standards required for all commercial drivers.

Frequency of the DOT Physical

Typically, a DOT physical is valid for up to 24 months. However, drivers with certain medical conditions may need more frequent examinations to ensure their continued ability to drive safely.

Preparing for a DOT Physical

To ensure a smooth DOT physical exam, drivers should:

  • Bring a complete list of current medications.
  • Carry any required medical records.
  • Be prepared to discuss their medical history.

Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR)

Understanding GVWR

The Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) is a critical factor in determining the type of DOT physical a driver requires. GVWR is the maximum operating weight of a vehicle as specified by the manufacturer, including the vehicle’s chassis, body, engine, fluids, fuel, accessories, driver, passengers, and cargo.

Importance of GVWR in DOT Physicals

  • Examination Requirements: The GVWR of a vehicle determines the level of scrutiny a driver will undergo during the DOT physical.
  • Safety Considerations: Vehicles with higher GVWRs require drivers to meet stringent health standards to handle the physical demands of operating heavier vehicles.
  • Compliance with Federal Regulations: Drivers of vehicles with a GVWR of 10,001 pounds or more must pass a DOT physical to comply with FMCSA regulations.

GVWR and Commercial Driver’s License (CDL)

For many UPS and FedEx drivers, obtaining a CDL is necessary due to the high GVWR of their vehicles. The DOT physical is a key step in the CDL application process, ensuring that the driver is physically capable of handling a CMV.

Common GVWR Classifications

  • Light-Duty Trucks: GVWR of 6,000 to 10,000 pounds.
  • Medium-Duty Trucks: GVWR of 10,001 to 26,000 pounds.
  • Heavy-Duty Trucks: GVWR over 26,000 pounds.

Impact on Driver Health

Handling vehicles with high GVWR can be physically demanding, requiring drivers to be in excellent health. This includes having good cardiovascular health, adequate vision and hearing, and the ability to manage the stress and physical demands of driving long distances.

Medical Examiner’s Certificate

Importance of the MEC for UPS Drivers

  • Legal Requirement: UPS drivers must carry a valid MEC to comply with FMCSA regulations and legally operate their vehicles.
  • Employment Requirement: Employers, such as UPS and FedEx, require drivers to maintain a current MEC to ensure safety and compliance.
  • Renewal Process: Drivers must renew their MEC every 24 months, or more frequently if they have certain health conditions.

How to Obtain a Medical Examiner’s Certificate

  1. Schedule a DOT Physical Exam: Make an appointment with a certified medical examiner listed on the National Registry.
  2. Complete the Examination: Undergo the required tests, including vision, hearing, blood pressure, urinalysis, and a comprehensive physical examination.
  3. Receive the Certificate: If the driver passes the exam, the medical examiner will issue the MEC.
  4. Maintain the Certificate: Keep the MEC updated and carry it at all times while operating a commercial vehicle.

Consequences of Not Having an MEC

Failure to maintain a valid MEC can result in the suspension of driving privileges, fines, and potential job loss. It’s crucial for drivers to stay on top of their health and renew their MEC as required.

Employers’ Role in Compliance

Employers, such as UPS and FedEx, play a significant role in ensuring their drivers comply with DOT regulations. They are responsible for verifying that their drivers have current MECs and for maintaining records of these certifications.

Physical Exam Process

The physical exam for a DOT physical is comprehensive, designed to assess a driver’s overall health and ability to safely operate a commercial vehicle. This exam includes several key components:

Medical History Review

The medical examiner reviews the driver’s medical history, including any chronic conditions, surgeries, or medications.

Vision Test

The driver must have at least 20/40 vision in each eye with or without corrective lenses and a field of vision of at least 70 degrees in each eye.

Hearing Test

The driver must be able to perceive a forced whisper at a distance of at least 5 feet, with or without a hearing aid.

Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate

Blood pressure must be controlled to ensure cardiovascular health. The pulse rate is also checked for any irregularities.


Tests for glucose, protein, and blood, which can indicate underlying health issues such as diabetes or kidney disease.

Comprehensive Physical Examination

This includes checks of the throat, heart, lungs, abdomen, spine, and neurological function to detect any abnormalities that could impair driving ability.

Common Health Issues Addressed

  • High Blood Pressure: Drivers must maintain blood pressure below 140/90 to pass the exam.
  • Diabetes: Must be controlled, and insulin-dependent drivers may have additional requirements.
  • Respiratory Dysfunction: Conditions like asthma or sleep apnea are evaluated to ensure they do not impair driving ability.
  • Vision and Hearing: Essential for safe driving, these senses are thoroughly tested.

Physical Exam Outcomes

Based on the results of the physical exam, the medical examiner determines whether the driver is fit to operate a commercial vehicle. The possible outcomes include:

  • Qualified: The driver meets all health standards and receives a MEC valid for up to 24 months.
  • Temporarily Disqualified: The driver has a condition that needs treatment or additional evaluation.
  • Disqualified: The driver does not meet the health standards and cannot receive a MEC.

Maintaining Health for the DOT Physical

To ensure they pass their DOT physical, drivers should:

  • Maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly.
  • Monitor and manage chronic conditions like hypertension and diabetes.
  • Schedule regular check-ups with their primary care physician.
  • Avoid using tobacco products and limit alcohol consumption.

Local Solution for DOT Physicals

For drivers in Charlotte or the surrounding area, The Charlotte DOT Exam Center offers DOT physical exams. Walk-ins are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Call 704-544-3494 to schedule an appointment.


How do you get around a DOT physical?
There is no legitimate way to bypass a DOT physical. It is a federal requirement for all commercial drivers to ensure safety on the roads.

What does DOT mean for UPS?
For UPS, DOT refers to the Department of Transportation, which regulates commercial driving and requires physical exams for drivers.

What does the FL DOT physical consist of?
The Florida DOT physical includes a medical history review, vision and hearing tests, blood pressure check, urinalysis, and a comprehensive physical examination.

What does a DOT physical consist of in Texas?
In Texas, the DOT physical involves the same components as in other states: medical history, vision and hearing tests, blood pressure check, urinalysis, and a thorough physical exam.

What does DOT stand for in UPS?
DOT stands for the Department of Transportation, which oversees regulations for commercial drivers, including those working for UPS.

Does UPS follow FMCSA?
Yes, UPS follows the regulations set by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), including DOT physical requirements.

What is a DOT SP number?
A DOT SP number is a special permit number issued by the Department of Transportation for specific transportation activities that require an exemption from standard regulations.

What is the FedEx ground DOT number?
The FedEx Ground DOT number is a unique identifier assigned by the Department of Transportation to track safety and regulatory compliance.

What does DOT mean for FedEx?
For FedEx, DOT refers to the Department of Transportation, which sets the regulations for commercial driving, including the requirement for DOT physicals.

How do you get around a DOT physical?
There is no legal way to circumvent a DOT physical. It is a mandatory requirement to ensure the health and safety of commercial drivers.

Call The UPS and FedEx DOT Physical Exam Specialists

If you are in need of a DOT physical exam in Charlotte or the surrounding area, call The Charlotte DOT Exam Center at 704-544-3494 for an appointment. Walk-ins are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.


Maintaining the safety and health of commercial drivers is crucial for ensuring safe roads. The DOT physical for UPS and FedEx drivers is a comprehensive health check that ensures drivers are physically capable of handling the demands of their job. By understanding the requirements and preparing for the exam, drivers can ensure they remain compliant with DOT regulations and continue to operate their vehicles safely.

For drivers in Charlotte or the surrounding area, The Charlotte DOT Exam Center offers reliable and thorough DOT physical exams. Call 704-544-3494 to schedule your appointment today and ensure you meet the necessary health standards to keep driving safely.